Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Live Legendary

So. The first month of 2010 has come and gone. It was quite a month. In fact, it's been quite a long time since I've had a month like this one. Maybe later in this post I'll find a place to bore you with a nice list of everything that's made it quite a month.

I haven't hurt this bad in a long time. The sudden and sharp weather shifts feel like the planetary rotation comes to a screeching halt and I hit it at full velocity, face-first. The world then comes back around for another swing. Mother nature is using me for pells.

If my science is all screwed up there, we're not going to talk about it. Just like we're not going to talk about my utter and complete failure to blog every day until NaNo began.

But failure is okay.

That's kinda the point of this blog. (Only, tangentially so. I promise it will almost make sense at the end!)

If you've been reading my blog for any length of time (which, by the way, congratulations for extraordinary patience), you know that at the beginning of every year I try to sit down and ponder a bit about the past year. I'm a month late, and the New Year's horse is already dead and decomposing, and here I am beating it with 2x4.

Bored with New Year's ramblings? Don't read. Or, stick with me, because I've got a point to make, and I like my point. You should like my point, too.

Last year I wasn't too happy with myself. I'd spent 2008 as a lump on a log, doing very little of value and generally coasting along in a half-aware haze.

I decided 2009 would be different.

It was.

I have dubbed 2009 The Year of Fail.