Friday, September 12, 2008

Because we all know it could happen. Really.

So, Hurricane Ike has decided to aim itself in the general direction of central Texas.

Not that I blame it or anything. Shows better taste than some hurricanes - skipping over Louisana and New Orleans (which is oddly inhospitable to visiting hurricanes after that Katrina chick overstayed her welcome). Central Texas is a good place. Lots of sunshine, good food, and if it's lucky, it might get to see Leslie. Maybe pick up a Keep Austin Wierd bumper sticker, though Ike seems to want to pressure wash Houston, first.

Not a bad plan for for a back-to-school vacation, really.

Except for the small fact that I live in a "manufactured home community. *coughs*Trailer park.*coughs* In Texas. In the twilight zone between Austin and Pflugerville. In a "manufactured home" that has all the character flaws of a used car bought from the greasy law school washout brokering lemons from his cousin's third-hand after-market auto shop.

Yeah, so we're actually ground-set. But everyone knows our luck, right? Bad at best, catastrophic at worst? (Lightning strike, anyone?)

So with hurricanes come winds. Thunder. Lightning. All that jazz.

If there's anything 20 years of gaming and reading cheap fantasy has taught me, it's that storms + wind + rickety housing = interdimensional travel. So if my house gets blown away and y'all get a postcard from the Land of Oz, please send ruby slippers, my pipe, tobacco, and journal back.

I'll likely be in jail in the Emerald City for wearing blue glasses. (Or assaulting a flying monkey. I hate flying monkeys. You think pigeons are bad with the dive bombing?)

You laugh. You think I'm being sarcastic.

Just you wait. I'll end up in some other universe. Only, I'm not skipping, singing, or dancing. I'll play the role of the sarcastic broody guy. I've got lots of practice. (And trust me, I'm not lucky enough to end up with the cute redhead with the basket full of food. I'll end up in a duel the death with the lion, having to try to fix the metal man with duct tape and paper clips, sassing the good witch, befriending the evil witch and debunking the wizard by accident. After knocking over something expensive and irreplacable.)

Captain Entropy, signing off.

1 comment:

RoseM said...

wow thats so have u read new moon yeat??? i so got 2 know what u think.
--black rose